When staying in the security area at Moscow Airport (Vnukovo), it is necessary to comply with the requirements for transport and aviation safety measures established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Please note that the departure hall of Terminal A is equipped with stationary baggage packing points, where authorized employees will provide you with the necessary services.
Information on the need to comply with safety measures at Vnukovo Airport
Please remember that all reports of threats to the airport’s activities are regarded by airport personnel and police officers as serious. Committing socially dangerous acts at the airport or on board the aircraft, including knowingly providing false information regarding an act of unlawful behavior, entails liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
If you have witnessed illegal activities or have information concerning threats to the life and health of citizens or airport safety, as well as regarding any unattended items found at the airport, please inform the police, service of aviation safety or other airport employees located at the security area at Moscow Airport (Vnukovo) of this immediately, without touching them.
The following procedure for handling unattended items has been adopted to ensure the necessary level of safety and service quality is maintained at Vnukovo International Airport: when going through the procedure of control of boarding the aircraft, the items left (dropped) by you in the waste bins are subject to check by the airport service of aviation safety and once they are confirmed to be potentially harmless they are forwarded to be further disposed of.
In order to comply with transport and aviation safety requirements, please read the following documents:
In the Vnukovo Airport building, several groups of individuals are trying to offer services for packing baggage in a transparent film and charge a fee for it.
This business activity is illegal! It has not been agreed with the administration of the airport complex; these services are provided in places that are not intended nor adapted for this; fees are charged without providing the relevant financial documents.
In addition, such activities create threats to transport safety on the territory of the airport complex, which is an object of transport infrastructure.
In particular, the belongings and luggage of passengers fall into the hands of the persons engaged in illegal activities, and such items are subjected to suspicious manipulations: they are wrapped in film, and real conditions are created for putting something illegally in the luggage. Subsequently, such luggage cannot be reliably controlled, nor can its safety and security be guaranteed.
For the avoidance of repeated check of your baggage in order to control its safety, as well as to prevent possible damage to your property and damage to your baggage, do not entrust its packaging to unauthorized persons operating illegally and unlawfully in the territory of the airport passenger terminal.
Please note that the departure hall of Terminal A is equipped with stationary baggage packing points, where authorized employees will provide you with the necessary services.
Extract from Federal Law No. 16-ФЗ dated 09.02.2007 «On Transport Safety»
Article 12.2. Check, additional check and recheck in order to ensure transport safety.
11. People who refuse to go through check are not permitted to enter the transport security area
12. Passenger’s refusal to go through check, additional check and recheck in order to ensure transport safety provides a basis for unilateral carriage contract termination.
Extract from the Requirements for compliance with transport safety for individuals traveling by or staying at transport infrastructure facilities or vehicles, by type of transport, as well as in security areas established around individual ships and (or) other floating facilities with a nuclear reactor or ships and (or) other floating facilities transporting nuclear materials, transport infrastructure facilities (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1208 dated November 15, 2014).
1. This document defines the requirements for compliance with transport safety for individuals traveling by or staying at transport infrastructure facilities or various types of vehicles, as well as in security areas established around individual ships and (or) other floating facilities with a nuclear reactor or ships and (or) other floating facilities transporting nuclear materials, transport infrastructure facilities.
2. Individuals traveling by or staying at the transport infrastructure facilities or vehicle shall:
- a) enter (travel into) the transport security area in accordance with the rules of check, additional check and recheck in order to ensure transport safety, which include the list of necessary documents established by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation;
- b) comply with the requirements of the transport safety forces aimed at ensuring transport safety, and also not to take actions that impede the performance of their official duties;
- c) inform the transport safety forces of the events or actions that pose a threat to the transport safety of a transport infrastructure facility or vehicle.
3. Individuals traveling by or staying at a transport infrastructure facility or vehicle are prohibited from:
- a) carrying (transporting) items and substances into the security area that are prohibited or restricted for movement in a transport infrastructure facility and (or) a vehicle;
- b) hindering the functioning of technical means of ensuring transport safety located in the transport security area;
- c) accepting material objects for their transportation in a vehicle without notifying the transport security forces and without going through the check procedure in cases stipulated by the requirements for ensuring transport safety established in accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law «On Transport Safety»;
- d) performing actions that hinder (including using transport and other technical means) the functioning of a vehicle or restrict the functioning of transport infrastructure facilities, including dissemination of knowingly false reports about events or actions that pose a threat to the safety of a transport infrastructure facility or vehicle, as well as actions aimed at damaging or stealing any elements of a transport infrastructure facility or vehicle which may make them become unusable or creates a condition that threatens the life and/or health of the personnel of the transport infrastructure facility or transport safety subdivision and other persons;
- e) transferring documents to third parties granting the right to go through the check procedure in a special order, for entering (traveling into) the transport security area;
- f) enter (travel into) the transport security area of the transport infrastructure facility or vehicle in circumvention of (bypassing) the passages (travelling points) established by the subject of transport infrastructure or the carrier;
- g) taking actions simulating preparation for or doing of acts of illegal interference in the activities of a transport infrastructure facility or vehicle;
- h) using pyrotechnic products without the permission of the person responsible for ensuring transport safety at a transport infrastructure facility or vehicle; i) using small self-propelled and non-self-propelled vessels (swimming facilities) in areas of seaport waters used for passengers pick-up and drop-off and (or) transshipment of high-risk cargo determined by mandatory regulations in the seaport which are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.